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Jacoby, J.W. (2019). When, where, and how do Head Start teachers use Spanish in the context of English curriculum? Ideas for increasing native language support in preschools. NABE Perspectives, 43(2), 6-9.


Jacoby, J.W., & *Edlefsen, K. (2019). “I didn’t know they made books with Paw Patrol!”: Book selection and the allure of popular media characters among preschoolers. Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education.


Jacoby, J.W., & Lesaux, N.K. (2019). Supporting dual language learners in Head Start: Teacher beliefs about teaching priorities and strategies to facilitate English language acquisition. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 40(2), 120-137.


Mancilla-Martinez, J. and Jacoby, J.W. (2018). The influence of risk factors on preschoolers' Spanish vocabulary development in the context of Spanish instruction. Early Education and Development.


Jacoby, J.W. and Lesaux, N.K. (2017). Language and literacy instruction in classrooms that serve Latino dual language learners. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 40, 77-86.


*Golden, J. and Jacoby, J.W. (2017). Playing princess: Preschool girls' interpretations of gender stereotypes in Disney princess media. Sex Roles.


Jacoby, J.W. and Lesaux, N.K. (2017). Policy-based instructional reform in early education: How Head Start teachers perceive instructional mandates. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 11(9).‑017‑0034‑x


Jacoby, J.W. and Lesaux, N.K. (2014). Support for extended discourse in teacher talk with linguistically diverse preschoolers. Early Education and Development, 25, 1162-1179.


Jacoby, J.W., Lebowitz, R.B., & Lesaux, N.K. (in preparation). Oral narrative skills of linguistically-diverse pre-kindergarten children.


Crandell, J.D., & Jacoby, J.W. (in preparation). Preschoolers’ pretend-readings of information books: An exploration of the use of genre-related language features.


(* denotes Mount Holyoke College student co-author)




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